TROPAG CONFERENCE 11 – 13 November 2025 l Brisbane, Australia
News & media
Media Releases
29 August – Towards 2050: TropAg delegates working to feed the world, Prof Matthew Morell
19 September – Protected cropping – planning for the future, Prof Paul PG Gauthier
26 September – Where one stands on livestock issues is a function of where one sits, Dr Jimmy Smith
4 October – Driving food security through sustainability, Su McCluskey
10 October – Bush foods bring Indigenous knowledge to mainstream markets, Hon Prof Henrietta Marrie
17 October – Making fruit and vegetables better for a healthier population, Dr Haven Baker
24 October – Tracing banana evolution critical to future crops, Dr Angélique D’Hont
25 October – Looking to the past to save the future, Enterprise Prof Bruce Pascoe and Assoc Prof Alison Crowther
28 October – Media alert: Leaders converge on Brisbane to solve global food insecurity, ACIAR Prof CEO Andrew Campbell
31 October – Securing global food supply focus of international conference, Prof Matthew Morell
31 October – UQ research to cut methane emissions in Australia’s cattle industry, Professor Ben Hayes
1 November – Sweetening the deal without the sugar, Dr Olivia Wright
1 November – Young producers outstanding in their field, The Honourable Mark Furner
TropAg Podcast
TropAg Podcast: Prof Michael Westaway on the Origins of Agriculture.
TropAg Podcast: Prof Bruce Pascoe on the Origins of Agriculture.
TropAg Podcast: Prof Paul Gauthier on Protected Cropping
TropAg Podcast: Prof Matthew Morell on the importance of TropAg
TropAg Podcast: Ms Su McCluskey on the global focus on sustainable food
TropAg Podcast: Hon Prof Henrietta Marrie on Indigenous ownership of bushfood industries
TropAg Podcast: Prof Ian Godwin on genetically modified food
TropAg Podcast: Prof Neena Mitter on her work at QAAFI’s Centre for Horticultural Science
TropAg conference photos
Credit: The University of Queensland and Lyndon Mechielsen.
- Day 0: Pre TropAg symposium: Origins of Agriculture – Prof Bruce Pascoe and A/Prof Alison Crowther
- Day 1: TropAg opening session: UQ Prof Deborah Terry, The Hon. Mark Furner, UQ Prof Matthew Morell, and plenary speakers Su McCluskey and Haven Baker
- Day 1: TropAg welcome reception with Australian wildlife
- Day 2: Plenary session with Prof Paul Gauthier and Hon Prof Henrietta Marrie
- Day 2: General photos of trade displays, delegates and posters
- Day 2: Signing of MoA between UQ and CGIAR to strengthen agri-food systems in Asia and the Pacific
- Day 2: ACIAR and CGIAR Plenary Session
- Day 2: TropAg dinner and awards
- Day 3: General photos of trade displays, delegates and posters
- Day 3: Overall best poster presented Dipenda Aryal
- Day 3: Closing Plenary session with Dr Angelique D’Hont and Dr Jimmy Smith
- Day 1 – 3: All TropAg conference photos
Plenary presentations
31 October: TropAg presentation slides – Su McCluskey
1 November: TropAg presentation slides – Paul PG Gauthier
2 November: TropAg presentation slides – Jimmy Smith
2 November: TropAg presentation slides – Angelique D’Hont
TropAg media contacts:
Carolyn Martin +61 (0)439 399 886
Natalie MacGregor +61 (0)409 135 651
TropAg 2022 stats
1009 Delegates
53 Counties represented
6 Plenary speakers
48 Symposia sessions
261 Poster presentations
6 Conference themes
43 Sponsors and exhibitors
TropAg event organisers and affiliates acknowledge the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which we meet. We pay our respects to their Ancestors and their descendants, who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise their valuable contributions to Australian and global society.
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